Bioenvironmental Sciences

The Bioenvironmental Sciences International Program will open in 2025. Contents are subject to change.

Organisms are closely interconnected, and their interactions are what form the environment. In the Bioenvironmental Sciences Program, students study nature and life from multiple perspectives. In the bioscience field, students explore the new power of life by analyzing phenomena and functions of organisms at the molecular level. They also conduct fieldwork, where they learn about the diversity of plants and animals and investigate methods for creating a sustainable natural environment. Furthermore, in the field of food, which is an essential aspect of life, students get acquainted with new technologies in agriculture and food processing and seek solutions to overcome potential future food crises.
The topics students can study in Bioenvironmental Sciences include all trends related to problems that mankind is facing today. Students are exposed to a variety of phenomena, aiding them in engaging in deeper studies and discovering ways to contribute to the preservation of the environment.